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Can I choose which currency I get paid in?
Can I choose which currency I get paid in?
Updated over a week ago

Yes! You can choose the currency you'll get paid when adding your bank account information. If we support that currency, each payment will be automatically converted to it before we send it to you.

If we don't support a particular currency, you'll still be able to receive a payment, but we will send it in USD. Check out this article for the list of currencies we support.

We always recommend contractors choose the currency their bank account is in to avoid unnecessary exchanges.

Which currency will Plane send my payment to if I add more than one currency in my payment method?

In most cases, we'll send payments to the default bank account. However, there are some exceptions. To understand when an account will be used, check out this article. You can also find more information on the right-hand side of the Bank accounts tab:

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